How to Measure Your Waist

Measuring Tips:

Always measure your bare belly without sucking it in or pulling your measuring tape or string too tightly. Measurements should be taken in all their glory to avoid waistbeads popping due to ill fit.

Where your waist-beads will lay is your preference.

If using to Track Weight gain it is suggested to measure lower, but not too low where they may fall off.

If using to Track Weight loss it is suggested to measure higher, as your waist beads will fall lower as the inches around your body come off.

Choose a Method:

The method you use to determine waist size depends on the tools you have available.

If you have a tape measure or ruler and string use Method One.

If you only know your pant size, use Method Two. 


Method 1: Using a Tape Measure or Ruler + String


  1. Wrap your tape measure or string around your desired area, and take down the measurement. 
  2. Waistbeads can be tied wherever you like, but use the graphic for common areas. 

    Method 2: Use Pant Size



    1. Using the chart above, find your US Standard Pant Size by number.
    2. Record waist size in inches that correlates with your US Standard Pant Size.
    3. Choose a median number between your waist and hip sizes for your high hip measurement. ( as seen on the previous graphic.)


    Feel free to Contact Us if you have any further questions.